Tattoo Illustration for Skechers

vector tattoo illustrations

The past two weeks have been incredibly busy for me. Aside from having many house guests I’ve been working on a couple of very different projects at the same time. The tattoo flash kind of stuff above is a little bit of vector artwork for Skechers that will hopefully find its way onto a shoe, a girl’s shoe at that. While working on this stuff I suffered one of the worst losses in digital data that I’ve ever had, due to a very peculiar glitch/crash in Illustrator. I lost over 10 illustrations and was left with only the object group that I was editing. It was by far the most untimely, irritating loss of work I’ve ever had. This would be a good time for me to remind all of you reading this to save your work frequently, which is an invaluable habit to be in. However it was due to my quick thinking to save while AI was in an unstable state and about to crash that landed me in this situation. So what is a better tip than “save frequently” that I can offer up as a benefit from my experience? How about, don’t use group isolation mode in CS3… or always keep your Adobe products updated…

Nonetheless, I’ll be redrawing all of my lost work over the weekend, which could be a lot worse. At least it’s a fun project with subject matter that I like. If it were a 300 page spreadsheet I think I’d just off myself and save all the trouble.

~ by tracksix on March 1, 2008.

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